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Gasteria Carinata Var. Verrucosa | Ox Tongue Plant
Gasteria Carinata Var. Verrucosa | Ox Tongue Plant
Seller: Succular
The Gasteria carinata 'verrucosa' is commonly referred to as ox tongue due to the shape and texture of its leaves. The leaves of this plant are thick, fleshy, and elongated, resembling the tongue of an ox. Additionally, the rough and warty surface of the leaves further contributes to its resemblance to an ox's tongue, which gives its names warty aloe, wart Gasteria, Keeled oxtongue, and Bredasdorp Gasteria.
Hailing all the way from South Africa, it has thick, fleshy leaves that grow in a rosette with raised warts or bumps. With its dull green leaves adorned with white spots, it knows how to make a statement. These leaves can grow up to 12 inches long and 12 inches wide at the base, giving them a bold presence.
Source: Planet Desert
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