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Philodendron 'Pink Princess'

Philodendron 'Pink Princess'

Philodendron erubescens 'Pink Princess'
定價 $45.00
定價 售價 $45.00
特價 售罄


14cm nursery pot.
Height: approx 20cm tall.


Click & Collect FREE
North Island $12.60
North Island (Rural) $14.80
South Island $15.60
South Island (Rural) $18.20


LIGHT: Moderate to bright indirect light or filtered light. It does preferring a warm, humid environment.

WATER: Allow top layer of soil to dry out between watering. Enjoys well-draining soil.

MAINTENANCE: Fertilise using Plant Runner Light Plant Food or GT Foliage Focus once a month in spring/summer.

TOXICITY: May cause irritation if ingested. Keep out of reach from pets and children.


This highly sought after beauty is absolutely unforgettable. The Philodendron Pink Princess has dark green leaves with stunning splashes of pink. It is a slow growing but easy to care for plant. The Pink Princess will absolutely reward with it's amazing heart-shaped variegated leaves. This plant is a climber so will require a plant support or grow pole as it gets taller.


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