
Anthurium plants bring joy to every home. So, if you've added one to your collection, then the most important thing is to provide your tropical plant with the right amount of water. Indoor plants, especially Anthurium, need little water about once a week in the warm growing season. But that is easier said than done.

So, to help, we have put together a practical guide on how you can water your anthurium plants without over or underwatering them.

About Anthurium
Before we get to Anthurium watering, it helps to know more about your tropical plant. The flamingo flower comes from South America, where they grow wild in loose-leaf litter or mossy tree crooks on the jungle floor.

While the tropics are wet, the growing medium Anthurium grows in retains little water. Hence, your plant can do with small amounts of water to survive. So, to provide most Anthuriums with a perfect balance of nutrients, it helps to be aware of the environment they grow in.

Great, but how do you determine this, and what factors play a role in knowing when your Anthurium plant needs water?

Important things to consider
The first important thing to consider is the seasons, as most plants need more water in spring and summer than in fall and winter. In the warmer season, your tropical plants dry out faster. They stretch out and grow with the heat, and the water demand becomes more.

Even a warm room temperature causes moisture evaporation in the soil. Hence, most of the water does not reach the plant. So, keep an eye on the summer moisture levels. The opposite takes place in fall and winter as growth slows down.

The moisture remains in the soil longer as it is cold. Another factor to consider is Anthurium flowering, as it has long-lasting blooms occurring year-round. Yet, when buds develop, you may find your plant dries out fast.

Then the size of the plant also counts as each of those gorgeous leaves is like factories turning the water and carbon dioxide into nutrients for your plant. Hence, the more foliage, the more water it needs.

Like most other outdoor plants from the tropics, your Anthurium thrives in warm temperatures and a humid environment. The same applies if the moisture levels are low and your plant will look dried out.

The location of your plant and the type of pot used also play an essential part in watering your Anthurium. The soil dries out faster if you place your plants in a warm spot. Your Anthurium prefers shady areas and can tolerate low light conditions.

The location of your plant and the type of pot used also play an essential part in watering your Anthurium. The soil dries out faster if you place your plants in a warm spot. Your Anthurium prefers shady areas and can tolerate low light conditions.

Avoid direct sunlight to keep your plant hydrated. Furthermore, when looking at a pot, having one made of plastic, glazed ceramic, or glass retains moisture compared to a terracotta one. But always ensure that the container you use has ample drainage holes to allow excess water to flow from the pot preventing root rot.

The same applies to the size of the pot. A small container with a vast plant needs more water. While in a too-large pot, the water collects at the bottom and is out of reach of the roots. Lastly, the type of potting mix you use is also essential.

When you provide your tropical wonders with free-draining potting soil, they thrive.

When to water Anthurium plants
Once you understand the factors, it helps to know how it affects your plant. How much water your Anthurium needs will depend on these factors. If you have your tropical plants in terracotta bowls in a warm sunny location, they will need more watering. 

Still, how do you know your Anthurium plants are thirsty? This is how you know:

Drooping or wilting leaves
Your Anthurium has glossy pert leaves that stand on graceful stems. When those leaves droop or look wilted, it is the first sign that your plant needs water.

Brown leaf tips
Does your Anthurium have brown leaf tips that look burnt or dry? These are classic signs that your plant is dehydrated.

Leaves turn yellow or brown
Yes, these are tell-tale signs that your plant is thirsty and needs watering as it no longer looks glossy. Even a wrinkly surface on the leaf shows water loss.

Signs your plant is over-watered
While your plant thrives in humid conditions and you may feel concerned about when your Anthurium needs water, the opposite can also happen over-watering. Luckily, there are some common signs, and the most noticeable is the leaf tips turning yellow and then brown.

Other severe signs are that your plant leaves droop and start picking up diseases, and the soil might have a foul smell while the stems are slimy. Again, we recommend removing your plant from the container to check the roots for rot if you notice this happening.

Typically, your plant has fleshy roots. If the roots are white or look crisp, it helps to remove the infected roots and re-pot your plant in an appropriate orchid mix with enough drainage holes.

Examine the soil
Another way to determine if your Anthurium needs water is to check the soil. You can do a finger test by sticking your finger about two inches into the soil. If the soil is dry, then pour water on your plant.

If you feel moist soil, then hold back with the watering schedule until it dries out more. If you have damp soil, hold back with watering as it can develop root rot.

Two ways to water your Anthurium

1. Watering Anthurium from above 

As your plant thrives in the rainforest, they don't mind top watering and can benefit from the added moisture.

  • We recommend using rainwater, distilled or filtered water.

  • When watering, applies water at the base and away from the leaves.

  • Another helpful tip is to allow the water to pass through drainage holes to provide the roots with enough water.

  • Once done watering, remove the excess water from the saucers.

  • Before re-watering, allow the soil to dry.


2. Watering Anthurium from Below
It is an effective way to help the succulent roots to receive the right amount of water. It also works well if the container has excellent drainage.

  • Fill a shallow dish or tray with your recommended water which needs to be around an inch deep.

  • Set the container in the dish and leave it to stand and absorb the water into the pot. Still, never leave your plant in standing water the whole time as you know it can cause rotting of the roots.

  • Once it soaks up the water, top up the tray with more water, you're done once the soil is visibly moist on top.

  • You can leave your plant for about 20 minutes, then remove the saucer or tray.

  • Leave your Anthurium to drain and return it to its favourite place.

Another great way to prevent giving too much water is using a self-watering pot. You can invest in one with a water meter and transparent reservoir. You fill the water tank with your water and top it up monthly.

Watering Tips

  • Always maintain an even level of moisture in the soil.

  • Allow the top few centimetres of soil to dry before watering, as it will make your plant thrive.

  • The best time to water is in the morning or late at night.

  • The preferred watering technique is at the base of your plant for the roots to take up the moisture.

  • Before re-potting, provide your Anthurium plants with water to avoid stressing out. After transplanting your tropical plant, you can provide it with water to moisten the soil.

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