
Contact us

We think we have a pretty cool story. If you’re a member of the media and would like to talk, please get in touch using this email address, we’re happy to help.

OVERCOMING the tyranny of geography was a key motivation in setting up Jungle Story. We help people to buy and sell special plants from wherever they happen to be in New Zealand.

OFFICIALLY headquartered in a shabby plastic greenhouse in Dairy Flat, Auckland. In reality, this business is run by a network of talented growers whose dirt-covered fingers busily tap away on their phones and laptops in greenhouses and on kitchen tables up and down the country, even though they'd rather be in the garden.

OPERATING what’s known as a ‘two-sided online marketplace’, the thing that makes Jungle Story different from other online marketplaces (like say, Amazon, Ebay or TradeMe) is that we’re not trying to sell 'everything’. We set up Jungle Story specifically to sell plants and plant-related products. And not just any old plants, our primary interest is rare and collectable plants. This can mean anything from rapidly disappearing heirloom fruit and veg varieties to rare night-blooming hothouse ornamentals.

WE'RE not here to compete against the national garden centres selling widely available plants. We're here to support our thousands of green-thumbed customers and their passionate interest in plants that are beautiful, or delicious, or hard-to-find, hard-to-grow, hard-to-pronounce, or fascinating and special in some other way. We’re all about the plants, man. And that’s how it’s going to stay.

You can read more about Jungle Story here or reach out for a chat at: