Frequently Asked Questions

Have a scroll through the FAQs below but if you don't find the answers you're looking for please don't hesitate to contact us.

Questions about

My Account

I'm having trouble logging in

Are you sure you already have an account?
If you are sure, then make sure you're using the same email address you used to create your account in the first place.

If you're not sure, perhaps you don't yet have an account? In that case, click 'Create account' and set one up. It's quick and easy.

I can't remember my password

If you've forgotten your password just click the 'Forgot your password' link and follow the instructions to reset a new password.

Questions about

My Order

Can I change or cancel an order I just placed?

Of course you can. Just send us an email with your order's confirmation number saying you want to cancel or make a change and we'll stop the order from proceeding any further. From there we'll work together with you to make whatever changes you need.

When will my order be despatched?

Most of our Sellers despatch on Mondays and Tuesdays only. This is to avoid sending plants out later in the week which can put them at risk of being held up over the weekend in a courier depot or the back of a van while en route.

What if there's a problem with my order?

The vast majority of orders go off without a hitch. But in the unlikely event there is a problem with your order (Eg. unexpected stock outage, or floods delaying delivery) the first thing we'll do is contact you on the email address you used in the checkout. Plus, you're covered by our Money Back Guarantee.

Questions about

Delivery & Pickup

How can I check status and track my order?

To track the status of your order click Track My Order
Once you're on the Track My Order page you can track using either your Order Confirmation number or a Tracking number if you have one.

What are your delivery options and charges?

Delivery costs vary from Seller to Seller. But all delivery rates are clearly stated on each Product Description page and again in your shopping cart. You can find out more about Delivery Info here...

Can I pick up my order?

Pick up availability depends on the Seller and on the product. Most offer it, but some don't. The way to know for sure is to look for this information on the Product Description page, right below the Add to Cart buttons:

Also, your shopping cart will clearly state if the product you've selected is available for pick up or not.

Do I need to be home to receive delivery?

This important question relates to what the courier industry calls "authority to leave". Most courier companies won't leave a parcel at your (unattended) property unless they have been given explicit instructions to do so. The address section of our checkout has a field called "Delivery note" and this is where you should enter any such instructions. Eg. 'Leave at back door if not home.'

If you do not want your parcel left in your absence, just leave the delivery instructions field blank and the courier company will leave a calling card from which you can liaise directly regarding a convenient delivery time.

Why did parts of my order arrive separately?

Jungle Story is a 'multi-vendor marketplace'. And because we deal in live plants, we can't keep everything in a central warehouse like you would with books or clothes. All items are sent directly to you by the seller/grower. This is why, when you make an order of more than one product, the items may well arrive in separate boxes on separate days.

Questions about


What forms of payment do you accept?

We currently accept:
Debit Card
Credit Card
Direct Bank Deposit

How do I know payment is secure on this site?

We implement HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption on this website to ensure the security and privacy of your sensitive data.

We also use only well-established, reliable and reputable payment gateways such as, Stripe Payment Gateway, Apple Pay and AfterPay.

Questions about

Returns & Refunds

How do I return an item?

If you need to return or exchange an item, the Seller you purchased your item from is the best person to help you. Each Seller on Jungle Story manages their own orders, and makes decisions about cancellations, refunds and returns. By all means contact us here at Jungle Story if we can help clarify anything you're unsure about. But please understand that for issues relating to returns and refunds, the best we can do is refer your correspondence to the relevant Seller so that they can work toward a solution with you directly.

Questions about

Other Stuff

What is an online marketplace?

It's a website that brings loads of different sellers and buyers together in one place. You can read more about our marketplace - which is specifically for plant lovers - here

Where is Jungle Story based? (I want to look at all the plants)

Sorry! Jungle Story isn't 'based' anywhere. It's run by a network of talented growers whose dirt-covered fingers busily tap away on their phones and laptops in greenhouses and on kitchen tables up and down the country, even though they'd rather be in the garden. So there's no one place where you can inspect the goodies though most of our Sellers are more than happy to accept visits by appointment.

Can you source a particular plant for me?

Probably! Try us. We have a very extensive network of growers with enormous collective knowledge and experience. So the likelihood that one of them may be able to help with your hard-to-find rarity is pretty good. Send us an email, we're happy to help.

How do I know if the product I want is in stock?

If it's showing on our website then it's in stock. We do our utmost to ensure only in-stock products are listed and visible on our website. In rare instances there may be a reason why this isn't the case; such as incorrect picking and despatch of an item not yet reconciled.

How do I find more info on the plant I bought?