
Delivery costs vary from Seller to Seller. But all delivery rates are clearly stated on the Product Description page of each product. See below:

Any differences in delivery cost from one Seller to another may relate to a number of factors such as product shape, size & weight. Where in the country the Seller is located. And what courier service the seller uses. The volume of business done with the courier can also affect Sellers' rates.

In a nutshell, while we'd love to be able to offer just one set of delivery rates for all Sellers and products, at present this is just not possible. Thanks for your understanding.

Expected Delivery Time 3-5 Working Days

Our sellers do their best to deliver as quickly as possible. This is usually well within our 3-5 working day guideline, however, from time to time there may be delays relating to stock availability, staffing issues, heavy demand such as public holidays or incomplete address details provided in the checkout, etc.

We will contact you as soon as we can if we become aware of any issue affecting your order, and will do our very best to work through the issue to your satisfaction, whether that be expediting, amending, cancelling or refunding the order.

Most of our Sellers deliberately only despatch on Mondays & Tuesdays in order to avoid live plants being held up in transit, especially over weekends. If this is an issue or you are in a hurry, please contact us as soon as you've placed your order and we'll do all we can to help.

Physical Delivery Address Required (No PO Boxes)

We use various courier services for our deliveries. However, none of these couriers can deliver to a PO Box address, so please be sure to provide a physical delivery address (home or business) in the Checkout to avoid unwanted delays.

A Note on Rural Delivery

If you know your address is considered a Rural Delivery, please select this from the Delivery Zone dropdown box when in the Checkout. If this is not correctly selected by the customer, the rural delivery charge will be manually applied by our processing team.

No Deliveries on Weekends

Unfortunately at present we are unable to offer a weekend delivery service. And all website orders received over the course of a weekend (or public holiday) will be attended to as soon as possible on the next working day. You can of course select 'Pick Up' for your item(s) in the Checkout but whether or not this is available on weekends will vary from Seller to Seller. You can contact them directly to make arrangements that suit you.